Why you got Friend Zoned
It’s time for some tough love: chances are, you are in the friend zone for a reason. We conducted a poll, and have 5 reasons why that is likely the case.
It’s time for some tough love: chances are, you are in the friend zone for a reason. We conducted a poll, and have 5 reasons why that is likely the case.
I’m a guy with pretty much no experience in the clubbing or rave scenes, but they sound fun. Do you think you could write a guide on club etiquette?
How do I find the courage to let an ex-girlfriend go and move on?
I need your help! I have a girl I know who is stalking me. What should I do? First off, if things get too serious, you need to contact a lawyer and look into the anti-stalking laws of your state/country. To my knowledge, every US state has some form of anti-stalking law — while it […]
There’s a girl in my class, whom I really enjoy being with. How long should I wait to ask her out, if at all?
Why is my fat, ugly, stupid friend getting all the girls when I can’t get a single one?
The women’s magazine Cosmopolitan is arguably one of the more popular women’s interest magazines out there, and it is filled to the brim with information on sex and dating — advice that is, actually, almost entirely crap.
I can’t possibly show my friends your articles on how PUA books suck, they won’t read em. Can you give me just the cliffs notes version so they stop paying cash on classes?
What do you think of “yellow fever” (the stereotypical attraction of guys to Asian girls)? Is it okay?
My girlfriend really wants to do a sex tape together. I’m not up for it. Should I give in?
Read our Answer More Questions and Answers Ask a QuestionShould I go to a community college before I go to a 4-year college? Looks cheaper.